On Thursday 25th May 2017, the Embassy of the Argentine Republic to Saint Lucia and the OECS, hosted a thanksgiving mass to commemorate the 207th Anniversary of the Argentine May Revolution.
The event, held at the St Joseph the Worker Church in Gros Islet, and headed by Mr. Nicolás Carlos Abad, Chargé d’Affaires of the Argentine Embassy, was honoured by the presence of H.E. the Governor General, Dame Pearlette Louisy, Heads of Diplomatic Missions and International Organizations, Government authorities, Argentine citizens, and other distinguished guests.
Mr. Abad during his speech highlighted the importance of this date to all Argentineans, as it was on May 25 1810 that the first autonomous government was established in Buenos Aires; this being the beginning of a process which culminated in a formal declaration of independence from Spain on July 9th 1816.
Mr. Abad noted the common challenges and opportunities that both Argentina and Saint Lucia face as developing countries and regional neighbors. He also emphasized the need to take full advantage of existing complementarities to enhance trade, deepen technical cooperation, and explore training programs, among other areas with much potential for working together. With over three years since the establishment of the Argentine Embassy in Saint Lucia, Mr. Abad stressed commitment for the growth of the intergovernmental partnership.