On the morning of Thursday 26th November 2015, a two-day workshop on the Regulation of Agricultural Biotechnology in Saint Lucia was inaugurated. This workshop, funded by the FAO and cosponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Production, Fisheries, Cooperatives and Rural Development of Saint Lucia presents experts from the Argentine Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (MAGyP), the Argentine National Food and Health Quality Service (SENASA), the Argentine National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) and the Argentine National Institute of Seeds (INASE).
The workshop is the first of its kind and is headed by Dr. Veronica Caride, the National Director of Agrifood - International Relations of the Argentine Republic. Its primary aim is sharing with delegates representing various governments throughout the Caribbean, namely Saint Lucia, Saint Lucia, Grenada, St. Vincent, Dominica, Antigua and Barbuda and Saint Kitts and Nevis the regulatory framework of the Argentine Republic as it would relate to bio-safety and biotechnology.
The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Production, Fisheries, Cooperatives and Rural Development of Saint Lucia, Dr Darius Gabriel gave the welcome address and was followed by words of thanks by the Ambassador of the Argentine Republic in Saint Lucia, H.E. Luis Beltrán Martínez Thomas for all of the effort placed into the workshop. The floor was then handed over to the Minister of External Affairs, International Trade and Civil Aviation, Hon. Alva R Baptiste who emphasized the importance of the Regulation in Agricultural Biotechnology and Bio-Safety in developing economies as like Saint Lucia.