The Question of the Malvinas Islands

On 10 June, the Argentine Republic marks another anniversary of the creation in 1829 of the Political and Military Commandancy for the Malvinas Islands and the islands adjacent to Cape Horn by the then Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires, D. Martin Rodriguez.

Since its independence from Spain, Argentina, having inherited the Spanish territories in the south of the continent -including the Malvinas Islands and the other islands in the South Atlantic-, exercised its rights uninterruptedly, proceeding to enact legislation and establishing legal and administrative bodies to consolidate its sovereignty, promoting the development of trade, settling population and establishing a local administrative office. The culmination of this process was the issuance of the Decree establishing the Civic and Military Commandancy of the Malvinas Islands on the date we commemorate today, with Luis Vernet being appointed as Commander.

On 3 January 1833, the United Kingdom violated the integrity of the Argentine territory and illegally occupied the islands, removing by force both the population and the legitimate Argentine authorities that had settled there. Since then, the islands have been subject to a sovereignty dispute between the two countries, recognized by the United Nations through UNGA Resolution 2065 (XX), as well as by several regional and multilateral forums.

Recovering full Argentine sovereignty over the Malvinas, South Georgias and South Sandwich Islands, as well as over the surrounding maritime areas, while respecting the lifestyle of the islanders and in accordance with international law, is a permanent and non renounceable goal of the Argentine people, as established in the First Temporary Provision of the Argentine Constitution.

Based on this mandate, the Argentine Republic reiterates its invitation to the United Kingdom to resume negotiations on the Question of the Malvinas Islands, as set forth by resolutions 2065 (XX), 37/9, and other relevant resolutions of the General Assembly, while calling for the suspension of unilateral activities in the area under dispute, as established in resolution 31/49.

In this spirit, the Argentine Government reiterates its full willingness to engage in an open dialogue with the United Kingdom, as well as to strengthen bilateral relations in order to identify possible areas of cooperation in the South Atlantic.
The Argentine Government reaffirms once again the imprescriptible sovereignty rights of the Argentine Republic over the Malvinas, South Georgias and South Sandwich islands, as well as over the surrounding maritime areas, all of which are an integral part of the Argentine territory.



Updated date: 10/10/2017