On June 10th, 'Day of the Affirmation of Argentine Rights over the Malvinas Islands, South Atlantic Islands and Antarctic Sector' we remember a new anniversary of the creation of the Political and Military Commandancy for the Malvinas Islands and the islands adjacent to Cape Horn in the Atlantic Ocean in 1829.
Since the beginning of its independence process in 1810, having inherited the Spanish territories in the south of the continent, including the Malvinas Islands and other islands in the South Atlantic, Argentina exercised its rights uninterruptedly, proceeding to enact legislation and establishing legal and administrative bodies to consolidate its sovereignty. In this framework, the Argentine government promoted the development of trade, the settling of population and the establishment of a local government in the islands on the date we commemorate today, and appointing Luis Vernet in charge.
On January 3rd 1833, the United Kingdom interrupted this effective exercise of sovereignty when it removed by force the legitimate Argentine authorities and the population that had settled there, breaking our country 's territorial integrity. This act of force has never been consented by any Argentine government and since then the islands haven been subject to an ongoing sovereignty dispute between both countries, recognized by the United Nations through UNGA Resolution 2065 (XX), adopted in 1965.
In 2016 the Argentine government inaugurated a new stage in its relationship with the United Kingdom. This has allowed for progress on different areas of mutual interest, including those related to the South Atlantic among others, which reflects our full disposition to an open and substantial dialogue that includes all topics.
We believe that this renewed relationship will generate the adequate framework for the resumption of the negotiations over the Question of the Malvinas Islands in the terms established by United Nations resolutions.
This is shared by our region, as well as by numerous multilateral fora such as MERCOSUR, OAS, G77 and China, and the Iberoamerican Summits, which have expressed in multiple occasions, according to the case, the need for the resumption of negotiations aimed at finding a definitive solution to the Question of the Malvinas Islands and to avoid the carrying out of unilateral actions in the area under dispute, so that both parties can reach a definitive solution to the sovereignty dispute.
Recovering the full exercise of Argentine sovereignty over the occupied insular territories and maritime areas, with full respect of the lifestyle of its inhabitants and in accordance with international law, is a permanent and non-renounceable goal of the Argentine people, as established in the First Temporary Provision of the Argentine Constitution.
In this relevant date for the Argentine people, we reaffirm once more our sovereignty rights over the Malvinas Islands, South Georgia Islands, South Sandwich Islands and the surrounding maritime areas, which are an integral part of our national territory.